Refund Policy for Sahfar IT Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd

At Sahfar IT Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd, we strive to provide high-quality website development and digital marketing services to our clients. However, we understand that circumstances may arise where a refund is requested. Our refund policy is designed to be fair and transparent. Please read the following refund policy carefully:

1.1 Refund Eligibility:Website Development: Refunds for website development services may be considered if the project has not yet commenced or if there are genuine extenuating circumstances that prevent us from delivering the agreed-upon services.

1.2 Digital Marketing:For digital marketing services, refunds will be considered based on the specific campaign or service package. Refunds may be applicable if the campaign has not started or if there are legitimate reasons for cancellation.

2.1 Non-Refundable Items:Third-Party Costs: Any third-party costs incurred by Sahfar IT Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd on behalf of the client, such as domain registration fees, hosting fees, or advertising expenses, are non-refundable.

2.2 Work Already Completed:If we have already commenced work on the website development or digital marketing project, a refund may not be applicable for the portion of work already completed.

3.1 Refund Process & Refund Request:To request a refund, the client must submit a written refund request explaining the reasons for the request and providing any relevant supporting documentation.

3.2 Approval and Evaluation:Each refund request will be individually evaluated by our team. We will assess the validity of the request based on the project status, circumstances, and adherence to the terms of the service agreement.

3.3 Partial Refunds: In some cases, partial refunds may be granted based on the work completed up to the point of cancellation.

4.1 Disputes and Resolution: Client Communication: If a client is dissatisfied with our services, we encourage open communication to address any concerns promptly.

4.2 Mediation: In case of a dispute regarding refunds or services, both parties agree to participate in good faith in mediation or alternative dispute resolution before pursuing legal action.

5.1 Legal Recourse: If mediation efforts are unsuccessful, any legal claims or disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in [Kolkata] under the laws of [India / West Bengal].

5.2 Policy Changes: Sahfar IT Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd reserves the right to modify this refund policy at any time. Any changes to the policy will be updated on our official website.

By engaging Sahfar IT Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd for website development and digital marketing services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Refund Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us for further clarification before proceeding with our services.

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Maheshtala, Kolkata



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Monday - Saturday

10:00 am - 07:00 pm

